domingo, 19 de marzo de 2023

Migration - Socioeconomic History


What is it?

According to Oxford Dictionary migration is "the movement of a person or people from one country, locality, place of residence, etc., to settle in another; an instance of this". Migration is one of our human rigths. Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights said that every person has the right to move freely and to choose their residence in the territory of a state. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including their own, and to return to their country. 

A migrant is who, regardless of the reason, leave, transit or arrive in a country other than the one of origin, or in a territory where they did not live or work before. Includes the one who seek to reside, work, transit or visit Mexico, regardless of whether they do so regularly or irregularly, or how long they stay. Therefore, migrants retain their human rights wherever we are. 

It is estimate that migrants are:

  • 36.1 million are children
  • 124.8 miilion are women
  • 4.8 million are students
  • 150.3 million are workers
The Institute of Mexicans Abroad records that "11,913,989 Mexicans live outside of Mexico; 97.79% reside in the United States of America". 
Mexicans abroad, 54% are women and 46% are men.
The majority of Mexican migrants are in the American continent (54%), followed by Europe (40%), Asia (4%), Oceania (2%) and (3.35%) in Africa.
The 10 countries with the highest number of Mexicans living abroad are: Canada, Spain, Germany, the United Kingdom, Bolivia, Argentina, the Netherlands, Costa Rica, Chile, and Panama.
In America there are a total of 11,793,976 Mexicans and it is estimated that their age is 36 years, 52% are women and 48% men.
There are 103,814 Mexicans in Europe with an average age of 34 years; 58% are women and 42% are men.


De Gobernación, S. (n.d.). ¿Quién es una persona migrante?

El portal único del gobierno. | (n.d.).,los%20Estados%20Unidos%20de%20Am%C3%A9rica.

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