miércoles, 28 de junio de 2023

Life plan

Outlook or life and career plan

Definition of personal philosophy.


Fair, tolerant and just. I'm a good writer, I'm a good researcher.

I create a tolerant world, where equity and justice exist through research and dissemination of information to understand the inequalities that exist in order to resolve conflicts that exist everywhere.


I see myself in 10 years as a successful internationalist, researcher, social activist, public servant or part of a transnational company; that supports the development of a just world. I see myself as a financially independent woman, with a united family, a partner and living abroad.


  • Justice
  • Patience
  • Empathy
  • Responsibility
  • Honesty


I am going to be a person with mental and emotional stability, with my own home, with a united family and a couple with a healthy relationship. I will be the director of a transnational company or organization, I will also have my own aid foundation; I will have a Ph.D. and I will be a researcher recognized for my various books and research.


Strengths: I put myself in the other's shoes to be able to understand their situation, I am a good leader when directing people, I never stop striving to achieve my goals, when I have a goal I work until I achieve it, facility to learn languages, open-mindedness before different ways of thinking than mine, ease of speech and writing.

Opportunities: Learn from the people around me, take advantage of the university and be able to interact with my friends.

Weaknesses: Anxiety, lack of communication, not prioritizing myself, lack of confidence in myself and procrastination.

Threats: Money, pandemic, diseases and situation of the country.


  • Personal:

Have good mental health.

Have a good self-esteem.

Know what I like and what I don't.

Have enough knowledge of myself to be able to satisfy my needs.

Maintain stable physical and mental health

  • Professional:

Stand out in the race.

Participate in the MUNs.

Join a student group.

Do internships and get paid for them in a transnational or government company.

Go on exchange.

Study in Belgium a postgraduate.

To be the best student of the race.

Finish university with honors.

Get a job in a transnational company.

Participate in a social and research project.

Join an NGO or a government body abroad.

I am going to prepare a campaign to enter politics.

I'm going to run for president.

  • Familiar:

Marry someone with whom you have a healthy and stable relationship

Support my family financially

Frequently visit my parents and grandparents.


  • To go to therapy
  • To do exercise
  • To have a healthy diet
  • To get good grades
  • To read more
  • To research current social issues
  • Better organize my days
  • To learn more languages
  • To find a job where I apply my knowledge
  • To relate healthy with my peers
  • To travel
  • To work in summer camps
  • To go on exchange
  • To find social support organizations to work or volunteer

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Life plan

Outlook or life and career plan Definition of personal philosophy. Mission Fair, tolerant and just. I'm a good writer, I'm a good re...