miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2023

Source of Information - Geography


Geographic Information System 

Spaciallocation of information with a geographical component.

Global positioning system

It is based on the use of artificial satellites to determine the geographic postion of any location.

It was created in US on 70´s - 80´s

We use it to adjust the time of our watches, to identify new routes to reach our destination, to delimit and even to fire nuclear missiles.

Mapping or Cartography


  • Cartographic projection
  • Symbology
  • Associated legend 
  • Cardinal points
  • Absolute location

Imaginary lines, points and circles of the Earth 

Earth axis line crosses the center of the Earth line, there are meridians that are perpendicular semi-circles; parallels are minor imaginary circles that are parallel to the equator.


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