lunes, 15 de mayo de 2023

Astronomic Influences

 Astronomic influences

Moon, Sun and planets played an important role.

The formation of the solar system happened 4500 million years ago

Big bang theory

Most accepted theory

13,500 million years ago

The Earth

It is 510 million square Kilometers and the length of its radius ranges from 6357 km (polar radius) to 6378 km (equatorial radlus. Despite this, the Earth is a small star in the Universe as a whole.


It has a apherical shape, but la not a perfect uphere. since la alightly flattened at the polar and bulky around the equator,

This peculiar shape of our planet is called geoid.

The Sun

  • The Sun alone is one million three hundred thousand times larger than it

  • The Sun is a star made of the same materials fourd in the Earth and the rest of the planets

  • The proportions in the Sun are different. About three-quarters of the Sun's mass consists of hydrogen: the rest is mostly hellum. with much smaller amounts of other elements, such as oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, neon, iron. sillcon, magnesium, and sulfur.

  • Like other stars, the Sun is spherical in shape, Due to Its rotational motion, it shows a slight flattening at its poles, Its structure is made up of a type of concentric layers, each of which has particular characteristics that are mentioned below.

  • A huge mass of incandescent gas that produces its energy through atomic explosions.

  • The large amount of mass that the Sun possesses exerts its gravitational influenco on all elements within the solar system.
  • It attracts them all to itself and causes them to revolve in elliptical orbits around itself.
  •  Duration of year
  • Seasons
  • Duration of day and night
  • Tides
  • Life on Earth
  • At the same time, light and atomic particles are sent to all comers of the solar system.
  • On the other hand, the system can be delimited precisely by the radius of influence that the Sun exerts on this portion of space.

The Moon

The Moon, on the other hand, is even smaller, being about a quarter of the size of the Earth.

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