martes, 16 de mayo de 2023



Exercises Rights

The community provides a framework for the exercise of our individual rights, it is the source and raison d'être (reason of being) of collective rights.
Cultural rights cannot arise outside the culture in which the individual is immersed

Makes commitments

Belonging to a community means that the rest of its members share the same fate, mutually commits themselves to the tasks necessary for the preservation and prosperity of the group.
The sense of belonging indicates that staying together in the pursuit of collective goals Is the best way to see individual aspirations satisfied, so our good depends on the common good

Taking a position on certain cultural practices

The self-criticism of colonialism and the cultural Imposition exercised by Western nations that conquered the world's largest pare between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries gave rise to two ways of understanding the relationship between cultural diversity and the rights of individuals:
-The universalist position
- Relativistic position
The universalist position that individual rights, as formed in Western societies, must be applied without any adaptation to all societies in the world.
The relativism, this position says that all cultural practices must be judged within their own context and not on the basis of external criteria, relativism implies that we cannot protect individuals from abuses committed in the name of the culture to which they belong.
Diversity is inevitable, but the problem is when the existence of customs and cultural traditions that do terrible harm to millions of human beings, one of the most harmful traits to human dignity and the life of individuals is misogyny, belief that women possess less skills and abilities than men

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