martes, 16 de mayo de 2023



Exercises Rights

The community provides a framework for the exercise of our individual rights, it is the source and raison d'être (reason of being) of collective rights.
Cultural rights cannot arise outside the culture in which the individual is immersed

Makes commitments

Belonging to a community means that the rest of its members share the same fate, mutually commits themselves to the tasks necessary for the preservation and prosperity of the group.
The sense of belonging indicates that staying together in the pursuit of collective goals Is the best way to see individual aspirations satisfied, so our good depends on the common good

Taking a position on certain cultural practices

The self-criticism of colonialism and the cultural Imposition exercised by Western nations that conquered the world's largest pare between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries gave rise to two ways of understanding the relationship between cultural diversity and the rights of individuals:
-The universalist position
- Relativistic position
The universalist position that individual rights, as formed in Western societies, must be applied without any adaptation to all societies in the world.
The relativism, this position says that all cultural practices must be judged within their own context and not on the basis of external criteria, relativism implies that we cannot protect individuals from abuses committed in the name of the culture to which they belong.
Diversity is inevitable, but the problem is when the existence of customs and cultural traditions that do terrible harm to millions of human beings, one of the most harmful traits to human dignity and the life of individuals is misogyny, belief that women possess less skills and abilities than men

lunes, 15 de mayo de 2023

Astronomic Influences

 Astronomic influences

Moon, Sun and planets played an important role.

The formation of the solar system happened 4500 million years ago

Big bang theory

Most accepted theory

13,500 million years ago

The Earth

It is 510 million square Kilometers and the length of its radius ranges from 6357 km (polar radius) to 6378 km (equatorial radlus. Despite this, the Earth is a small star in the Universe as a whole.


It has a apherical shape, but la not a perfect uphere. since la alightly flattened at the polar and bulky around the equator,

This peculiar shape of our planet is called geoid.

The Sun

  • The Sun alone is one million three hundred thousand times larger than it

  • The Sun is a star made of the same materials fourd in the Earth and the rest of the planets

  • The proportions in the Sun are different. About three-quarters of the Sun's mass consists of hydrogen: the rest is mostly hellum. with much smaller amounts of other elements, such as oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, neon, iron. sillcon, magnesium, and sulfur.

  • Like other stars, the Sun is spherical in shape, Due to Its rotational motion, it shows a slight flattening at its poles, Its structure is made up of a type of concentric layers, each of which has particular characteristics that are mentioned below.

  • A huge mass of incandescent gas that produces its energy through atomic explosions.

  • The large amount of mass that the Sun possesses exerts its gravitational influenco on all elements within the solar system.
  • It attracts them all to itself and causes them to revolve in elliptical orbits around itself.
  •  Duration of year
  • Seasons
  • Duration of day and night
  • Tides
  • Life on Earth
  • At the same time, light and atomic particles are sent to all comers of the solar system.
  • On the other hand, the system can be delimited precisely by the radius of influence that the Sun exerts on this portion of space.

The Moon

The Moon, on the other hand, is even smaller, being about a quarter of the size of the Earth.



Layer of the Earth

The formation of plantes began with the formation of the galaxy, with the star dust spinning on the protoplanetary disks. It is estimated that eart formed million of years ago. 
The earth is a solid planet with an equatorial radius of 6378 km and a polar radius of 6356 km.

Earth´s crust 

It is above the mantle. Two types are distiguished: continental and oceanic the solid upper portion of the mantle and the earth´s crust from the mantle and the earth´s crust form the lithosphere.


Covers the core. Thickness of 300 km. Composed of silicon rocks, magnesium and iron. Very high temperatures by its contact with the core.


Iron and nickel alloy, radius of 3486 km. Internal heat source. Contains radioactive material.

Proccesses that determine the formation of their relief

The different forms of reliefs, such as mountains, valleys, canyons, are the result of the transformation of the land surface caused by different forces acting on it.

These processes can be classified in type: 

  • Endogenous processes, bring together different forces that act on the Earth´s surface that are originated from the interior of our planet.
  • Exogenous processes, bring together the forces of transformation that are originated in the earth´s crust.

Endogenous processes

Tectonic plate

Theory that explains the dynamics of the lithosphere, which is divided into plates of different sizes, whose boundaries are adjacent to each other and interact in three ways.

  • Divergent Plate Boundary: Originate in the oceanic crust in places where the convection dynamics of the mantle move the edges in opposite directions, forming a fault over the oceanic crust
  • Dynamics of transformation: Their happens when the boundaries of two plates slide horizontally in opposite directions, forming transformation faults.
  • Diastrophism: Set of processes originated by the convergence of plates, which derive from the regions of contact slowly in width of millions of years. It represents twisting of the crust in these of tectonic activity and results in the formation of mountain rages. 

The cultural, ethnic and age diversity of your communnity - Socioeconomic History

The cultural, ethnic and age diversity of your communnity 

Etnich group: They are populations whose social, cultural and economic conditions and customs distinguish them from the rest of society and who have preserved their identity throughout history as collective subjects who claim their origin, history and cultural characteristics given in the worldview.
Indigenous group: Indigenous peoples are diverse social and cultural groups with collective ancestral ties to the land and natural resources on which they live, occupy or migrate.
Community: A community is a group of people who share certain common elements such as language, customs, values, tasks, worldview, age, geographic location, social status, or roles.


"Learned set of traditions and lifestyles socialle acquired, from members of a society, including their prescribed and repetitive ways of thinking feeling and acting" -Marvin Harris
A culture is more than a series of typical elements, such as dress, food, or physical appearance, it is also a complete view of the world.
In Mexico, there are 68 indigenous peoples, each one has its own culture whose value is not different 


A partially conscious and partially unconscious learnig experience through which the oler generation encourages and forces younger generations to adopt traditional ways of thinking and behaving
Culture encompasses what we think how we think how we relate to others.

Ethnic diversity

Nahuas, Nahuatl, coarse respect for nature, farmers, progress with work even if it is without remuneration, without social distinction by gender.
Maya, second largest population of indigenous people in Mexico, combination of Catholicism, non-modern life
Micteco, cultivation of corn, cocoa, cotton and gold; They live in mountainous areas, ancient medicine.
Zapotecs, Oaxaca Guerrero and Chiapas, agriculture, livestock and fishing.
Tsental, Chiapas, sowing, humility and morality drives the world.
Otomi, crafts, livestock and agriculture; They make their own clothes.
Tzotzil, Chiapas, Mayan descent, two souls, one human and one animal.
Totonacas, mountainous and coastal, vanilla and chile, frog hunting, armadillos, commercialized with corn. Women with braids decorated with feathers
Masagua, corn, beans and squash, pottery, handicrafts and livestock.
Mazatecos, bricks, sheets and cement, medicine with herbs and mushrooms, planting coffee, rice, pineapples and sesame seeds, Catholics
Chol, Mayan descent, Chiapas, cultivation ceremonies, diseases due to mistreatment of the land.
Huasteco, fishing, salt, chiles and country fruits, Mayan ancestors, piercings in the skin and they wore jewelry, without clothes.
Purépechas and Tarascos, modifying bronze, painting and sculpture, blackberry tamale, ball game.
Chinanteco, crafts, embroidery and weaving, polytheists.
Mixe, coffee cultivation, they live three months on the plantation, plantains and potatoes.
Tarahumara, running long distances, polytheistic, bright colors and ornaments on clothing, born on a mountain and care for animals.
Mayo, Yanki descendants, healers, concrete palm and wood, irrigation systems and pesticides.
Amuzgo, crafts.
Tojolabal, ranchers, barter, family, eternal father, adore the sun and the moon.
Huichol, Nahuatl, two types of diseases, adobe huts for their deities.
Triquis, banana and coffee cultivation, corn
Yaqui, livestock and bank loans, cahita and Spanish, quackery.
Popoloca, ceramics, mastery of corn and use of salt.
Lacandón, fruits, corn and yams, protect the jungle


Viacrucis de Iztapalapa

Procesion in Puebla

Ethnic diversity

According to the Mexican Constitution, our country has a multicultural composition, based originally o its indigenous peoples, which retain their own or part of their own social, economic, cultural and political institutions.
Currently, there are about 70 ethnic groups in our country, which are distributed throughout 

  • According to INEGI (2015) the 10% of the population calls themselves indigenous, 6.1% declare themselves to speak an indigenous language.
  • Most of our country´s conserved ecosystems are located in indigenous territories (cosmovision)
  • In 2018, 6.9% of the indigenous population was in poverty, while 39% of the non-indigenous population was in the same situation.
  • The social disadvantages that indigenous people accumulate as a result of systematic processes of exclusion and discrimination limit their opportunities for development and participation.
  • Conditions must be created for their full development and for the full exercise of their economic and social rights.


On March 8, 2023, Inés Fernández, originally from Guerrero, announced that one of her attackers had been sentenced to 20 years in prison. At the age of 25, Inés was the victim of sexual abuse at the hands of 11 members of the Mexican Army. According to what she recounts, when denouncing, she faced discrimination for being a woman and indigenous and the inefficiency of the Mexican authorities, who put obstacles in the search and trial of the aggressors.


Life plan

Outlook or life and career plan Definition of personal philosophy. Mission Fair, tolerant and just. I'm a good writer, I'm a good re...