miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2023

Maps and Compass - Geography

 Elements of a map

Helps for the understanding and reading of a map

Scale: Explains the relationship between the data frame and the real world. Shows the places´sizes.

Projection: Representation of the Earth´s surface

  • Cylindric 
  • Pseudocylindric
  • Conic
  • Planar
Symbols: Symbols allow us for ease our understandig of how to arrive somewhere

Types of Maps

General reference: These are simple maps showing important physical feautures in an area
  • Transit map
  • Topographic map
  • Political map
Thematic: Shows the spatial distribution of identifiable earth surface features.
  • Physical map
  • Climate map
  • Land use map
  • Population map

Compass Rose

Earth has a magnetic field that surrounds it. The compass uses motion-sensitive needles. Thanks to the magnetization of the needle, one end of it always points to the North, in this way we can know what the other cardinal points are. The compass is a tool that had helped sailor across the ocean. Nowadays this had been an incredible implement for localization.

You can make your own compass with a needle, a magnet, a cork, a little bowl and water.
First you have to magnetize the needle with the magnet, after that insert them in the middle of the cork, and finally put in on the bowl with water and look how it moves.

Carvajal, G. (2023, January 17). The compass: what it is and how it works. The Green Compass. https://www.labrujulaverde.com/2005/05/la-brujula-que-es-y-como-funciona

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