miércoles, 28 de junio de 2023

Life plan

Outlook or life and career plan

Definition of personal philosophy.


Fair, tolerant and just. I'm a good writer, I'm a good researcher.

I create a tolerant world, where equity and justice exist through research and dissemination of information to understand the inequalities that exist in order to resolve conflicts that exist everywhere.


I see myself in 10 years as a successful internationalist, researcher, social activist, public servant or part of a transnational company; that supports the development of a just world. I see myself as a financially independent woman, with a united family, a partner and living abroad.


  • Justice
  • Patience
  • Empathy
  • Responsibility
  • Honesty


I am going to be a person with mental and emotional stability, with my own home, with a united family and a couple with a healthy relationship. I will be the director of a transnational company or organization, I will also have my own aid foundation; I will have a Ph.D. and I will be a researcher recognized for my various books and research.


Strengths: I put myself in the other's shoes to be able to understand their situation, I am a good leader when directing people, I never stop striving to achieve my goals, when I have a goal I work until I achieve it, facility to learn languages, open-mindedness before different ways of thinking than mine, ease of speech and writing.

Opportunities: Learn from the people around me, take advantage of the university and be able to interact with my friends.

Weaknesses: Anxiety, lack of communication, not prioritizing myself, lack of confidence in myself and procrastination.

Threats: Money, pandemic, diseases and situation of the country.


  • Personal:

Have good mental health.

Have a good self-esteem.

Know what I like and what I don't.

Have enough knowledge of myself to be able to satisfy my needs.

Maintain stable physical and mental health

  • Professional:

Stand out in the race.

Participate in the MUNs.

Join a student group.

Do internships and get paid for them in a transnational or government company.

Go on exchange.

Study in Belgium a postgraduate.

To be the best student of the race.

Finish university with honors.

Get a job in a transnational company.

Participate in a social and research project.

Join an NGO or a government body abroad.

I am going to prepare a campaign to enter politics.

I'm going to run for president.

  • Familiar:

Marry someone with whom you have a healthy and stable relationship

Support my family financially

Frequently visit my parents and grandparents.


  • To go to therapy
  • To do exercise
  • To have a healthy diet
  • To get good grades
  • To read more
  • To research current social issues
  • Better organize my days
  • To learn more languages
  • To find a job where I apply my knowledge
  • To relate healthy with my peers
  • To travel
  • To work in summer camps
  • To go on exchange
  • To find social support organizations to work or volunteer

martes, 27 de junio de 2023

Ley general de equlibrio ecológico y protección del medio ambiente

Ley general de equilibrio ecologico y Protección del medio ambiente

Tiene por objeto propiciar el desarrollo sustentable y establecer las bases para:

Garantizar el derecho de toda persona a vivir en un medio ambiente sano para su desarrollo, salud y blenestar; definir los principios de la política ambiental y los instrumentos para su aplicación; La preservación, la restauración y el mejoramiento del ambiente; la preservación y protección de la biodiversidad.








El aprovechamiento sustentable, la preservación y, en su caso, la restauración del suelo, el agua y los demás recursos naturales, de manera que sean compatibles la obtención de beneficios, económicos y las actividades de la sociedad con la preservación de los ecosistemas.



ART 159 BIS 3





Áreas Naturales Protegidas

Autorregulación y Auditoria


Evaluación del Impacto Ambiental.

Ordenamiento Ecológico.

Prevención y control de la contaminación de la atmósfera.

Registro de emisiones y transferencia de contaminantes.

Residuos Peligrosos.

lunes, 26 de junio de 2023

Sustainable development - Geography

Sustainable development

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs


Apparently one of the most sustainable and sustainable companies in Mexico, but one of its plants, located in Chiapas, was systematically discharging its waste into the fishing docks and waters of the Port of Chiapas.  This company, for years has shown no interest in this


It has been proven how some chlorine-containing gases, such as chlorofluorocarbons, destroy stratospheric ozone. chloroform contained in Clorox can cause cancer. is a company that despite its publicized efforts for the environment, actually sells a product that is an environmental enemy, and has sought to make this unknown.


Dale la Vuelta" campaign,

the company pays only $2,600 pesos for each of the 46 groundwater exploitation concessions per year in Mexico.

Pollution- Socioeconomic history


 Enviromental pollution

Introduction of strange physical and biological elements that affect the Eart atmosphere.


Natural by natural disasters
Artificial by industries
  • Water
  • Air
  • Soil


Chemical components
Physical agents
Biological components

Polluting companies

Mondelez International

Water Pollution

Pollutants include chemicals, trash bacteria and parasites. All forms of pollution eventually make their way to water.
Caused by deforestation , Pesticide use in agricultural, Industrial waste , rising temperatures, oil spills.

Companies contributing to and affecting the water pollution problem

Coca- Cola , Pepsi , Danone , Nestlé , Bimbo, Aga and other junk product companies waste 133 million liters of water annually to produce food and beverages that not only affects the health of the consumers but also causes serious environmental damage in Mexico.

Atmospehric Contamination

Air pollution is contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any chemical, physical or biological agent that modifies the natural characteristics of the atmosphere.
It is caused by solid and liquid particles and certain gases that are suspended in the air. These particles and gases can come from car and truck exhaust, factories, dust, pollen, mold spores, volcanoes and wildfires.

It causes:
  • Respiratory infection
  • Cardiac diseases
  • Lung cancer

Soil Contamination

Soil pollution affects soil fertility, this jeopardises food security, which is essential for human survival.

The soil in which our fruit and vegetables grow is also suffering its consequences, the effects of which getting to us directly, for instance, 


Industry, mining, military activities, waste management, technological waste, wastewater, agriculture, livestock farming, construction of urban and transport infrastructures.

Point Pollution: Industries trash

Diffuse Pollution: Air, soil, water and how it affects enviromentally


Diseases, worst crops, climate change, water and air pollution, population displacement, disappearance of species, impact on economy.

Astronomic influence pt2 - Geography

Astronomic influences pt.2


It is 510 million squre km and the lenght of its radius from 6357 km (polar radius) to 6378 km (equatorial radius). Despite this, the Earth is a small in the Universe as a whole.

The northern and southern hemispheres have different conditions in terms of the angle of incidence of light on the surface of the planet, since the Earth´s axis of rotation, the imaginary line that crosses the Earth from pole to pole, has an inclination of 23.4 degrees and the plane of rotation does not coincide with the plane of traslation.

In the course that the Earth maintains around the Sun, there are 4 importnat points of its trajectory, which determine the seasons of the year.

Equinox: Occurs on March 21 and September 22 or 23. It happens that if we observe the pass of the Sun from the Earth, its path would pass through the highest point of the skyand the day would have the longest duration of the year.

The opposite results in the solstice, which occurs around June 21st and December 21st.


The Sun is a star made of the same materials found in the Earth and the rest of the planets.

In fact, the Earth and all the chemical elements it is made of come from the explosions that formed the stars, such as the sun.

The proportions in the Sun are different. About three-quarters of the Sun mass consists of hydrogen the rest is mostly helium, neon, iron, silicon, magnesium and sulfur.

Like other stars is spherical in shape. Due to its rotational motion, it shows a slight flattering at its poles. Its structure is made up of a tye of concentric layers, each of which has particular characteristics that are mentioned below

Rotation and traslation

The Earth maintains an elliptical orbit around the Sun at an average distance of 150 million km, with a speed of 30 km/s.


In the case of the Earth, this period (sidereal year) lasts 365.26 days. In other planets it is a shorter or longer depending on its proximity/far from the sun.


It consists of the rotation of the planet on its own axis in an eastenty direction (as seen from the North Star).
This cycle lasts 24 hrs. It is delimited by the apparent crossing of the sun over the same meridianvof observation and essentially determines the succession between day and night. 

Noche Polar

The polar night is a phenomenon caused by the inclination of the Earth's axis, where the absence of sunlight lasts more than 24 hours in the polar and southern circles. During the polar night, the sun is not high enough to be visible above the horizon in the regions closest to the poles, resulting in weeks and even months of darkness.
It can be seen in Alaska, Norway and Russia. 


The creatng of the Moon affects in the collison that change the orientation of our planet´s rotation axis, which has an angle of 23.5°.
The axis of rotation remained fixed throughout the traslation orbit, always pointing towards the North Star if we are in the northern hemisphere, indicating the north. However the axis presents a movement similar to that of a spinning top when it is rotating


According to scientist the first effect the Moon had on the Earth was to slow down the rotation speed of our planet. Before the Moon was formed the Earth rotated much faste: days lasted 4 hours in total. In fact, it is estimated that it is still slowing down, causing the days to be longer.
One of the most important hypotheses about the origin of the Moon explains that a very large body collided with the primitive Earth and from the material that was ejected into space our satellite was formed.
An eclipse occurs when the path of the Moon on its orbit coincides perfectly with the Earth´s translation plane (ecliptic) and is exactly between the two celestial bodies.
In order to see a total eclipse the observer must be in a regionaligned with the eclipse axis, otherwise he/she will only see a partial one.
In contrast, lunar eclipses occur when the Moon is exactly aligned with the ecliptic and the Earth comes between it and the Sun.


The moon is bound by the gravitational influence of the Earth but since it also has a considerable mass. It exerts a gravitational force on the Earth that can be recognised in various natural phenomena.

Life plan

Outlook or life and career plan Definition of personal philosophy. Mission Fair, tolerant and just. I'm a good writer, I'm a good re...